What Percent of UFC Fights End in Knockout? as of 2024

When it comes to UFC fights, the outcomes can be incredibly unpredictable. However, there are hard statistics that shed light on how these fights actually end. In this blog post, we will explore the probability of each UFC outcome and focus on answering the big question: “What percent of UFC fights end in knockout?”

As of January 2024, the rarest ending in UFC fights is a disqualification, with just over a quarter of a percent chance of happening. This shows that disqualifications are extremely uncommon in the UFC.

What Percent of UFC Fights End in Knockout
Petr Yan disqualification because of Illegal knee

On the flip side, the most common outcome in UFC fights is a decision. Approximately 46% of fights go to the judges’ scorecards, highlighting the significance of the judges’ role in determining the winner.

ufc fight outcomes
Islam Makhachev decision win

A no contest, where the fight is deemed invalid, is also a very rare occurrence, happening in less than a percent of UFC fights. This further emphasizes the rarity of such outcomes in the sport.

While submissions can be thrilling to witness, they only happen around 20% of the time in UFC fights. This showcases the technical skill and strategy required to secure a submission victory.

What Percent of UFC Fights End in Knockout
Khabib Nurmagomedov submits Conor Mcregor

However, the most definitive and shocking outcomes in UFC fights are knockouts and TKOs. Fortunately, these occur in approximately 33% of fights. Knockouts and TKOs not only demonstrate the power and precision of the fighters but also captivate audiences with their explosive nature.

Conor McGregor knocks out Jose Aldo

In conclusion, based on the available statistics, around 33% of UFC fights end in knockout or TKO. This highlights the excitement and intensity that comes with such outcomes in the world of mixed martial arts.

Disclaimer: Please note that these statistics are based on data as of January 2024 and may be subject to change in the future.

This article is inspired by a video by Lionel Rivera

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